Empowerment Blog

Produced by JDionne & Associates. 

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One step forward, two steps back!

#indigenoushealing #indigenous #healingcommunities #motivation #selflove Jul 03, 2024

I'm a big believer in self-improvement and giving myself the space to grow. Recovery is a slow journey, and change happens gradually. It takes time to truly know ourselves and others. Sometimes, progress feels like one step forward and two steps back, but that’s part of the process.

As humans, we often think our present self is the best and only version of us, and in many ways, it’s true! However, it’s crucial not to get stuck. We need to adjust to new circumstances and realities. After all, the only constant in life is change, right?

This brings me to what I wanted to share with you all.

In my recovery journey, I’ve learned that patience and persistence are key. Every small step forward, even if followed by steps back, is progress. This understanding has helped me embrace change and keep moving forward, no matter how slow it feels.

I hope this gives you something new to think about today! I’d love to hear your thoughts on it too! Let me know in the comments! I love a good chat!

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