Empowerment Blog

Produced by JDionne & Associates. 

Join Our "Recovery Warriors" Tribe

27 Years!!!

#indigenoushealing #indigenous #healingcommunities #healing #motivation #lifecoach #therapy May 16, 2024

Let’s honour our paths and the steps we've taken.

When I first embraced my role as a wellness coach, many aspirations seemed distant.

Today, I am grateful to mark a profound milestone on this journey. I've achieved 27 years of continuous active sobriety and have developed strong recovery skills that have supported not only my growth but also the sustained sobriety of others in our community.

Curious about the practices that guide me? 

  • Tip #1: Stay connected with your support network.
  • Tip #2: Maintain daily ceremonies that ground and center you.
  • Tip #3: e.g., share your story to inspire and heal both yourself and others.

It’s been a challenging yet enriching path, but with dedication and heart, you too can reach significant milestones in your life and heal.

Is this a goal you’re striving for?

Join our circle of recovery warriors, or click on the images to download our free Indigenous self-care guide. Together, we grow stronger.

You may also visit this link to check our healing courses and counselling...


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