3 tips to troubleshoot your relapse cycle

3 tips to troubleshoot your relapse cycle

3 tips to troubleshoot your relapse cycle

  • Jackson Dionne

  • 2 minute read

Things go wrong!

But also, things go right... and then they go wrong again! This is truly the life of a recovery warrior, believe me.

When you've been doing something for a long time, it's easy to get accustomed to it working the way you want it to, but you also need to be aware that it won't always stay that way. As much as we wish we could keep that initial "recovery" feeling, it will subside as well.

This can be incredibly frustrating!

But we're here to help!

We've got three tips for troubleshooting when your medicine wheel becomes unstable, so you can get back on track in no time!

  • Don’t panic.  Remember, the first rule of a crisis is to recognize it is happening. Once you realize you are having a "low-energy" day, just accept it.

  • Remind yourself that "this too shall pass." Remember, almost all positive and negative emotions will pass. Do not relapse, which could be permanent, over a temporary emotion. The life of a "recovery warrior" is a cycle of ups and downs. You will not relapse as long as you stay away from the first drink or first drug.

  • If things are really completely out of hand and falling apart, check what phase the moon is in. It will most likely be close to a full moon or a new moon. I took a pharmacology class one time, and our instructor was a doctor at Riverview Hospital in Coquitlam, BC. He said if you do not believe the full moon affects people, just go work there. That was his word from his experience working at a Canadian mental health facility.

What helps you get back on track after a discouraging bump in your workflow? If you would like some assistance, please sign up here for a free initial counseling session or click here to take our "Introduction to Recovery" course. All our relations