Empowerment Blog

Produced by JDionne & Associates. 

Join Our "Recovery Warriors" Tribe

How do you go from being an alcoholic or addict to being a “recovery warrior"?”

#indigenoushealing #indigenous #healingcommunities #healing #indigenouspeopleunite #nativehealing #counseling Jun 07, 2024

Making the leap from active addiction to active recovery may seem daunting, but you can do it!

You already have the strength and resilience needed to take this important first step toward long-term, sustainable healing.

If you're unsure how to start, we're here to help.

Follow this step-by-step plan, and you'll be on your way to a brighter, healthier future in no time:

  1. Reach Out to Us: The first step is connecting with our community. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

  2. Join Our Community: Become an active member of a supportive network that understands your journey.

  3. Get Involved in Your Healing: Participate in our activities, share your story, and learn from others who have walked a similar path.

Want more resources like this? Click the link in my bio or download our free e-book by clicking on the images below. Let’s walk this path of recovery together, one step at a time.

You may also visit this link to check our healing courses and counselling...


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