Empowerment Blog

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How will you know you’ve conquered your addictive lifestyle?

#indigenoushealing #indigenous #healingcommunities #healing #lifecoach #mindset Jun 04, 2024

What’s your definition of success? Have you thought about it?

We’re always running toward success, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself what that means?

Is it ziplining in Costa Rica? Relaxing on a beach in Hawaii? Does your version of success include building a six- or seven-figure empire? Creating a legacy for your family? Or simply having more time with them?

For me, success is being financially independent. It means no longer relying on the government and finding true independence, and as more of us become independent, we can then achieve true interdependence.

Success is something I’ve grappled with, partly because my view of it looks different from how I was raised. And it took me a while to learn that being successful means accepting the success you have already achieved in every area of your life.

What does success look like to you?

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