To thine own self be true!

To thine own self be true!

To thine own self be true!

  • Jackson Dionne

  • 1 minute read

To thine own self be true.  In the program, we learn that we need to use principles before personalities.  You may get to a point in your recovery journey where you are the only individual who believes in yourself.  Once enough people start believing lies about you, you will begin to question your own sanity.  When that happens please remember principles like "To thine own self be true."  The Bible says you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.  Stop trying to convince everyone that the lies being said about you are false.  Hold true to the saying "To thine own self be true."  Once you bend or break this law against yourself you are doomed to repeat past failures.  Do not let the enemy or trickster defeat your recovery.  Your ancestors will thank you for maintaining your commitment.  All our relations.