Empowerment Blog

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What do you truly value?

#indigenoushealing #indigenous #healingcommunities #healing #indigenouspeopleunite #nativehealing #counseling Jun 07, 2024

What values are important to you?

Have you ever thought about what you want to be known for?

The personal qualities you want to cultivate in yourself...

The things that are most important to you in this world...

Understanding my values gives me a sense of purpose and helps steer me in the right direction when I feel lost.

I’d say my top values are curiosity, love of learning, and perspective (wisdom).

Curiosity drives me to explore and understand the world around me, even when things seem uncertain.

Love learning because every day offers new opportunities to grow and expand my knowledge, which fuels my journey of recovery and healing.

Perspective (wisdom) is important because seeing things from different angles helps me make better decisions and guides me through tough times with clarity and insight.

These values shape my path and keep me grounded. 

What values are important to you?

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