Always give more than you receive!

Always give more than you receive!

Always give more than you receive!

  • Jackson Dionne

  • 1 minute read

If you want to make yourself successful – pay it forward and make others successful first. Always look for ways to help others and your payoff will be so much greater than your investment.

Like the literature says if you are feeling down and out about yourself, put your energy into helping others.  I find this will help temporarily until people start relying on you to always be there.  At that time I find it refreshing just to take a step back.

In the meantime helping others is a great way to make yourself feel better.  The psychologist Alfred Adler theorized social interest as “a feeling of community, an orientation to live cooperatively with others, and a lifestyle that values the common good above one’s own interests and desires” (Guzick, Dorman, Groff, Altermatt, & Forsyth, 2004; p. 362).  Just the simple act of going through a drive thru and interacting with the employee is enough to make your day better.